Friday, April 9, 2010

Not Exactly, But Close....

Well, me and Debbie (instructor on Slim in 6) didn't get together today. However, I did do some quick ab work. My mom, sister, and I had a girl's night, and got in late. So, I'm working off fumes today...but it is soooo worth it. My other sister, MP, commented that I hadn't changed my eating habits...which are horrible, so I guess I will start working on that next week, and actually follow the program. Heck, I suppose I can start tomorrow (can't do today-I'm chewing my BK hash browns now).

Ok, I realized I didn't tell you guys what my goal is: 169.2

Which, means I have the dreaded 20 lbs looming over my head!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Workout or Bust!!!

Well, I didn't workout this morning...why you ask? Because I couldn't get my butt out the bed. It had to be the drop in the temp...the alarm went off...and I could barely open my eyes, that when I realized, IT AIN'T GON HAPPEN CAPT'IN. So, I guess this will have to be my off day, unless I can figure out a time to fit it in this evening.
I am, however, feeling the effects from yesterday's workout in my arms and legs. So, I guess it worked. I played tennis on Wii last night with the hubby, and he brutally shut me down...although, I believe he cheated (hi KWC), LOL. But, that was something "like" a workout...ok, not really...cause all i did was stand there and glare at him every time he got a point. LOL
While discussing my workout plan with a coworker, I discovered she once tried the "Slim in 6" program, but didn't proceed past the intro because it was too difficult...which, made me feel a little better. Cause I did complete the first workout..She also said that she is willing to "donate" her program to someone who would like it...but, it's on VHS.
Hopefully, I'll have some good news for you later...I feel a little remorse.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What is that terrible sound???

Day 1-I woke up this morning to a terrible screeching sound at 4:45...ok, not actually, it was more of a Calypso flavored alarm....but nevertheless, it sounded terrible to me. So, I decided to go back to sleep until 5:05. When the second alarm went off, I knew it was now or never. So, I got up, weighed myself....189.2, and don't you dare laugh. I can't even believe I'm sending that weight out into the Internet world...but this is mostly anonymous, so it cool. Nobody knows that it's me, well, except you guys that I requested come here.
So, about the workout...I've already decided that I'm not so sure I'm gonna like this Debbie lady. She looked nice on the picture, but I think she might turn out to be rather tough, and I'm not so sure I can hang. But, I will keep trying. There's a lapse timer in the corner of the screen, and most of the time, I found myself willing it to have less time than it actually had. and I think I did more walking in place than, the actual workout...but my body has that cool feeling, which means that if I could sweat, I would be. So, off to the shower I go..I gotta get dressed and get the kiddies and myself out the door.

See ya tomorrow.

-Thru Thick N Thin

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Getting started with a plan first step is to tell my friends and family that I've started this blog. It was important to me that I did that because my being accountable to them is what makes the difference in whether or not I follow through with this assignment that I've given myself. So, I hope that at the very least, I can encourage someone else to get on board with their weight loss goals (if that be the case), or I can simply encourage myself.

My plan is weigh myself weekly to determine if there is any change. I will also strive to drink my eight glasses of water a day. Most importantly, I will do the "Slim in 6" plan. For those who aren't familiar with the plan, it consists of doing a workout plan for 6 out of 7 days a week, for 6 weeks. On the one day that you're "off", you are supposed to do some sort of light exercise thus 42 days.

So, thanks for visiting...and I hope you follow!!!